27 Aug, 2014
Even though we are a small studio, we are working very hard to keep everything on schedule. Our official website should be up and running in about 30 days! When the website is up, there will be a forum for group discussions and future projects. For those who would like to help us build better products can contribute ideas and thoughts via the forum.
We have no secrets… Here is an update on where we are:
Box Arts – All six box art designs are being finalized. Once approved, we will proceed with commercial printing for the boxes.
Waterslide Decals – Minor changes had been made to the US decal. All three generic decals (US/UK/USSR) are being sent to the factory for commercial production.
Assembly Instruction Sheet – Panzer III, Panzer IV, and the M4A3 Sherman are done. T-34/76 almost completed, now need to get the two Panthers done within next week!
T-34/76 Sprues – We are now fine-tuning the injection moulds. Should be done within this week!
Panthers Sprues – There are 4 moulds for the two Panthers. Minor adjustments are still being worked on the moulds; we should expect some initial test sprues within this week too!
Tiger I – There are also 4 moulds for the Tiger I. If everything goes ahead as planned, we should see some initial test sprues in two weeks’ time!
Commercial Production – We should have all the necessary material ready within the month of September. After packaging, all SIX plastic kits will be ready to ship worldwide!
Recommended Retail Price (RRP) – Once we have appointed all our Regional Distributors, we will announce our RRP for all our plastic kits. Most distributors are now confirmed, but we are still ironing out some details with a few. Once done, we will list out of all partners!
Future Projects – You might notice the plural on the word “Project”. Yes, if everything goes as planned, up to six new plastic kits will be on the horizon soon! We are also working on a completely new project that is not “WW2 Military Vehicles” related. Official announcement will be made once the prototypes are done!
Once again, we have to thank everyone for your patience and your continuous support in this little project of ours! Hopefully it will be as successful as we expected…